Teams 2002

The team captains (email, phone) are:

CRUK - Tom Matthews (thomasm; 4730)
D-block Devils - Calvin Stockdale (calvin; 4724)
F-block - Anne Fletcher (fletcher; 4633)
Haddow - Liz Macrae & Juliet Richards (emacrae, julietr; 4176, 4712)
Pharmacy - Rekha Jairath
Physics - Lisa Couret (lcouret; 3712) & Charlotte Hector
Radiotherapy - Mark Rose (3264, 3255)
All Stars - Martin Osborne (martino; 4668)

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F-Block Team Members:
anne fletcher, questa hope, julia meitz, sarah bullock, kim coleman, zsofia jarai, alison falconer, steve edwards, charlotte wilson, christine southgate, james morrell, chris chandler, phil martin, janet shipley, javier, toon min, karen baker, tom peacock, andrew h, hazel appleby (and husband), eric fauvet, dave robinson, craig cummings, adrian tipper, steve hobbs, sylvia stockbridge, tsedal, maria copeland, john swansbury, judith mills, sharon riddler, irene dougherty.