Finals Night 2004

Student Committee
c/o (Jo, Jo, Laure, James, Jin, James and Bhaskar )

Finals Night Miniolympics 2004 -Update

There has been blood, sweat and tears, and for those that have made it through well done. Come celebrate the end of another year of the Miniolympics in style.

Finals night at the Ph Bar on Friday 23rd July starts at 6pm.

We have a BBQ run by the student committee with the usual selection of delicious BBQ food that we all know and love.

Fresh from Physics there is a funky Jazz band, so we can all chill like cool cats from New Orleans.

Plus the final culminates in a Tug of War, which is always great fun.

See you all there,

The student committee- Jo, Jo, Laure, James, Jin, James and Bhaskar.



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