25th  JANUARY 2000

Web Version

Present : Sandra Edwards, Steve Edwards, Maggie Flower, Bob Ott (RJO), Steve Bevan,
Chris Stott, Louise Johns, Young Lee, Antigone Divoli Mike Rosenbloom.

1.    Apologies: Martin Dyer

2.    Minutes and accounts of last years meeting for approval.
Minutes of 1997-8 were read, approved and signed.

3.    Chairman's Report combining matters arising

(i)    Matters arising from 1998:
The proposal to hold a ‘club night’ had not started. The proposal was made in order to boost recruitment. However the coaching courses (see later) are fulfilling this role. RJO agreed to ask members if there was any interest in a club night. Peter Wilmor had agreed to take up the challenge to play all-comers to raise money for a charity. Chris Stott agreed to ask Pete if he was still interested.

(ii)   Maintenance:
We paid a further large bill from Trembath which shows in the accounts.
The front wall was repaired and painted in June 99.
A new door lock fitted September 1999.
The court floor washed October 1999.
Fence posts were planted around the front of the court to stop cars parking.
Manufacture of an external cover for the air-conditioning unit was still pending - Chris Stott suggested it was a good time to ask Terry in the ICR maintenance department if he would do this.

(iii)  Miscellaneous
A high interest account with the Halifax was opened in March 1999. £500 will be kept in a TSB current account to provide cash flow.
The theft of wallet from the court was reported. The squash committee agreed to give compensation for this as the front door lock was faulty at the time. However this will not generally be the case. New notices were displayed to warn players of theft.
Sales of stickers by the bar did not match income leading to a loss of £25 (50 stickers). We have now provided the bar with a locked box for members to put their cash in when they buy stickers.

(iv)  Court Usage.
We have 6 leagues at present. The number of individuals who have booked is up from 71 in 1997-8 to 79 in 1998-9.

       The weekly usage is also up on last year to an average of  13.5 games per week compared with 12.7  in 1997-8, 15.7  in 1996-7, 22.5  in 1995-6 and 27 in 1994-5.

(v)   Coaching
Two courses were run with our SRA qualified coach
Ann Scambler. One course was in April and the other in Nov 1999.
24 people attended, mainly total beginners.

       The racquet loan/purchase scheme was continued from the previous year. This time we got better discounts and purchased 12 rackets in the year of which 5 were sold and 4 are still  for sale. The RRP for these racquets was £60.00 and we are selling them for £30. 3 are reserved for use on the coaching course.

(vi)  Stickers Sales
The following were thanked for selling stickers:-  Maggie, Andy Williams, Chris Stott, IT, and the Bar.

4.    Accounts
A copy of last years accounts was presented (attached). The accounts showed that the income had increased by ~£250 compared with 1997-8 and the overall yearly balance was an £8.23 loss compared with a £224 loss the previous year. The main financial outlay was for the air-conditioner and post planting.

5.    Election of officers
The current officers stood again.

       Steve Edwards as Chairman
Maggie Flower as Treasurer
Bob Ott as Secretary
Steve Bevan as Membership Secretary
Chris Stott as Ordinary Member
Louise Johns as Ordinary Member

       These were duly proposed, seconded and accepted.

       Joao Seco, Young Lee and Antigone Divoli agreed to join the committee as Ordinary Members.

6.    AOB
There was none

AWARDS 1998-9

The award for most courts by a player has been discontinued. It was reported out of interest that the honour was shared between Bob Ott and Ray Wiggins at 48 each.

Mike Chow Cup for Best League Improver

The qualification was at least 6 continuous leagues

Winner Joao Seco £15 OF SPORTS VOUCHERS

Most League Games Played

We have the calculation for this as the number played vs the number playable in a year.
This years qualification was anyone playing more than 80% receives a prize.
As there were 10 leagues in the year 6 leagues had to be played to qualify.

7 players achieved the target of over 80%.
The committee decided on the following prizes

1st          Steve Bevan                87.50 % - £15.00 sports vouchers

Joint 2nd
Maggie Flower          82.50% - £10.00 cash or stickers
Bob Ott                      82.50% - £10.00 cash or stickers
Chris Stott                 82.50% - £10.00 cash or stickers
Joao Seco                 82.50% - £10.00 cash or stickers

6th           Paul Carnochan        81.67% - £5.00 cash or stickers

7th           Mike Rosenbloom     80.56% - £5.00 cash or stickers

For future years it was agreed that the threshold would remain the same and the pot of money would be divided similarly to above.


Squash Section

SQUASH SECTION AGM 1998-1999 -  Tuesday, 25th January, 2000

To be held in the Downs Club at 5.45 pm,


1. Apologies.
2. Minutes of last AGM - for approval
3. Chairman's report/matters arising from last minutes
4. Presentation of accounts
5. Election of officers
6. AOB

Meeting to be followed by awards presentation.

All squash players are welcome to attend.