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Present : Sandra Edwards, Steve Edwards, Bob Ott, Maggie Flower, Chris Stott, Louise Johns, Phil Seaman, Karine Maillard, Azadeh Bagherzadeh, Young Lee, Joao Seco, Antigoni Divoli.

1.    Apologies: Steve Bevan, Mike Rosenbloom

2.    Minutes and accounts of last years meeting for approval.
Minutes of 1998-1999 were read, approved and signed

3.    Chairman's Report combining matters arising

(i)    Matters arising from 1999:
None except a small error in the accounts had been found by the Treasurer and corrected.

(ii)   Maintenance:
The court floor was washed in May 2000 prior to coaching.
The cover for the de-humidifier was still outstanding. Phil Seaman offered to sort this out.
It was proposed that we re-sand the court floor this Spring. Volunteers would be sought nearer the time.

(iii)  Court Usage
We have 7 leagues at present. The number of individuals who have booked is down from 79 in 1998-1999, to 58 in 1999-2000.
The weekly usage is down on last year to an average of 11.8 games per week compared with:
13.5 1998-9
12.7 1997-8
15.7 1996-7
22.5 1995-6
27 1994-5

(iv)  Coaching
One course was run with our SRA qualified coach, Ann Scambler, in May 2000. 8 people attended in 2 groups - novice & improver . It was proposed to run more coaching sessions this year but a new coach would need to be found.

(v)   Racquet loan/purchase scheme.
Three racquets have been retained for coaching purchases.

(vi) Stickers Sales
Thanks are due to Maggie, Antigoni, Steve Bevan, Louise, Chris Stott, IT, and the Bar.

4.    Accounts
Presented with correction to 1998-1999 (£8.70)
The transfer of funds to a high interest account at the Halifax has earned the Club an extra £100 in 2000.
As expenditure this year was low the club has increased it’s balance by ~£1000 even though income was down this year from both stickers and lighting.

5.    Election of officers
The current officers standing again. Steve Edwards as Chairman
Maggie Flower as Treasurer
Bob Ott as Secretary
Steve Bevan as Membership Secretary
Chris Stott as Ordinary Member
Louise Johns as Ordinary Member
Joao Seco as Ordinary Member
Young Lee as Ordinary Member
Antigoni Divoli as Ordinary Member
These were duly proposed (Sandra Edwards), seconded (Chris Stott) and accepted.

Phil Seaman, Karine Maillard, Azadeh Bagherzadeh volunteered to join as Ordinary Members

6.    AOB
There was a discussion about whether it would be useful to show a video giving examples of when LETS and POINTS should be called. Chairman to decide if this is appropriate as a group or whether individuals could borrow the video to view at home.

There was also a discussion about the Downs Club plan that Martin Osborne is putting together for the Institute/Trust. It was agreed that the Chairman would talk to him about the Squash Club costs etc.


AWARDS 1999-2000
No award was made for most courts booked by a player , but, out of interest, most courts were booked by Bob Ott (49).

Mike Chow Cup for Best League Improver
The qualification was at least 6 continuous leagues
The winner was Colleen McGahan who went from div 6 of 6 to 4 of 6 in the period.
She was awarded £25 OF SPORTS VOUCHERS.
Most League Games Played
We have the calculation for this as the number played vs the number playable.
This years qualification, as was last year's, was anyone playing more than 80% receives a prize. As there were 10 leagues in the year 6 leagues had to be played to qualify.

5 players achieved the target of over 80%.

The committee decided on the following prizes:

1st Azadeh Bagherzadeh     95.3 % - £25.00 sports vouchers
2nd Maggie Flower                90.8 % - £20.00 sports vouchers
3rd Karine Maillard                84.2 % - £10.00 cash or stickers
4th Bob Ott                            83.3 % - £5.00 cash or stickers
5th Mike Rosenbloom           80.8 % - £5.00 cash or stickers