18 FEBRUARY 2002

Web Version

Present : Steve Edwards, Sandra Edwards, Bob Ott, Maggie Flower, Chris Stott, Steve Bevan, Louise Johns.  

1.    Apologies: Phil Martin.

2.    Minutes and accounts of last years meeting for approval.
Minutes of 1999-2000 were read and approved. They will be signed once the list of attendees is added.

3.    Chairman's Report combining matters arising

(i)    Matters arising from 2000:
Cover over dehumidifier on outside wall constructed by Phil Seaman Feb 2001 (cost £50)
Re-sanding of floor took place July 2001 (see later)
Video – 'Lets & Strokes' – not taken any further as plan was to have a few drinks and watch it in the DC (which is now shut)
Discussion with Martin Osborne has not taken place as plans for a new sports club have not gone any further

(ii)   Maintenance:
Feb 2001 new lock bought for squash door. However when fitted mechanism was faulty, so old one serviced and replaced.
The court floor washed May 2001 prior to coaching.
50 New keys cut by Peter Hamill (cost £25). He is retiring soon, but said a colleague would provide the service if required.
Court floor repaired by Paul (ICR carpenter) and Phil Seaman (4.7.01). A new plank of hard wood was inserted next to the Sutton Hospital wall – cost £70.
Court floor was sanded as mentioned above (Joao Seco, Chris Stott, Louise Johns and Steve Edwards). Cost was for hire only (£38=08) labour free. Brandon Tool hire Banstead 01737 362600.
New tape put on floor.
Dehumidifier break down July 2001. Wires were found to be burnt out. Repaired cost £96.94.
Operating instructions for dehumidifier received from Peter Canning Trembath.

(iii)  Court Usage.
We have 5 leagues at present. The number of individuals who have booked is fairly static at 59 compared to last yr. (58). Lots of players have left (approx. 24) but only 9 have joined the leagues in the year.
The weekly usage is also fairly static at an average of 11.0 games per week compared with:
11.8 1999-2000
13.5 1998-9
12.7 1997-8
15.7 1996-7
22.5 1995-6

Statistics were also presented (attached - not yet in Web Version)

(iv) Coaching
Ron Nye was appointed as coach. He was found from the list provided by the SRA. Two six week coaching courses were organised on Wednesday evenings. Generally there were 3 groups per course with 4 players per group – novice, improver & intermediate, with an adhoc session at the end for more advanced players.

       Course 1 – May 2001
Young Lee, Amanda Chan, Sandra Edwards, Javier Cuesta-Perez, Barry Allan, Marc Bollet, Eric Fauvet, Amin Mosleh-Shirazi, Maggie Flower, Joanna De Souza, Marjan Mosleh-Shirazi, Nic Stott

Course 2 – Oct 2001
Amanda Chan, Questa Hope, Louise Johns, Jo De Souza, Catherine Coolens, Robert Te Poele, Christine Southgate, Jo O'Reilly, Sandra Edwards, Natalie Partridge, Erica Denholm, Dan Williamson
With Bob Ott, Steve Bevan, Joao Seco, Steve Edwards & John Staffurth in the adhoc sessions.

(v)   Matches
As a spin off to this Ron organised a match at Sandown (his local club). Bob, Dan, Steve, Joao, Maggie and Sandra went down to play on June 29, 2001.

(vi)  Racquet loan/purchase scheme.
All Grays have been sold (1 to Jo De Souza, the other to Questa Hope), they were sold as second-hand for £10=00 each as they had been used for coaching. We have 3 new ones, Dunlop Max Rage (bought Jan 2002 RRP £99.99) for sale at £34=99 which will be advertised shortly.

(vii) Stickers Sales
Maggie, Antigoni, Steve Bevan, Louise, Chris, IT, and the Bar were thanked for selling stickers throughout the year. The Bar had closed in August 2001. Chris will no longer sell stickers as his job is now based in Fulham Rd. He was thanked for the time he had spent as a vendor.

4.    Accounts
The accounts were signed and presented. They showed that the club made a profit of approximately £830 (incl of interest) in the year. Some of the coaching costs were subsidised (approximately £57) by the club as there was an administrative error whilst negotiating the charges with the squash coach.

5.    Web page and information about squash
It was suggested that a few modifications should be made to the web page to make it more useful.

6.    Election of officers:
The current officers standing again. Steve Edwards as Chairman
Bob Ott as Secretary
Maggie Flower as Treasurer
Steve Bevan as Membership Secretary
Louise Johns as Ordinary Member
Chris Stott as Ordinary Member
Joao Seco as Ordinary Member
Young Lee as Ordinary Member
Antigoni Divoli as Ordinary Member

These were duly proposed, seconded and accepted
Sandra Edwards was voted on to the committee as an Ordinary Member.

7.    AOB
Bob suggested that it might be a good idea to keep the leagues at 4 players each to improve competition at all levels.

It was agreed that there was a need for space for the squash court to move to, should the present club site be come unavailable. Steve agreed to write to Richard Garfield or Steve Surridge on this matter.

There was a discussion on changing the squash door exterior lock to one that may last a bit a longer and not be so prone to jamming. Chris and Steve to liase on finding a suitable locksmith to advise us.

Sandra Edwards would represent the Club on the Wellbeing at Work Committee. In discussions with the Director of HR it was clear that there might be money in the ICR staff amenities fund for sports facilities. Rachael Cooper was chairing a working party to decide how to provide future staff facilities from this fund. Bob agreed to take this information to the next Downs Club Committee meeting.


AWARDS 2000-2001

There is no longer an award for most courts booked by a player, but this out of interest, was achieved by Louise Johns.

Mike Chow Cup for Best League Improver

The qualification was at least 6 continuous leagues
Winner Nic Stott Cheque for £25
Went from div 6 of 7 to 4 of 6 in the period.

Most League Games Played

We have the calculation for this as the number played against the number playable.
This years qualification was reduced to anyone playing more than 70% receives a prize (80% last year).
As there were 10 leagues in the year 6 leagues had to be played to qualify.

5 players achieved the target of over 70%.

The committee decided on the following prizes:

1st    Maggie Flower               87.5 % - £25.00 cash
2nd   Dan Williamson             80.0 % - £20.00 cash
3rd    Steve Bevan                   77.5 % - £10.00 cash or stickers
4th    Azadeh Bagherzadeh   73.8 % - £5.00 cash or stickers
5th    Bob Ott                           72.2 % - £5.00 cash or stickers