27 FEBRUARY 2003


Web Version

Present: Bob Ott, Maggie Flower, Nick Hearle, Sandra Edwards, Steve Edwards, Louise Johns, Mark Sydenham, Geoff Payne, Antigoni Divoli

1.    Apologies: Phil Martin, Chris Stott, David Gregory.

2.    Minutes and accounts of last years meeting for approval:
Minutes of 2000-2001 were read, approved and subsequently signed

3.    Chairman's Report combining matters arising

(i)    Matters arising from 2001:
The squash web pages were improved for ease of use.
Leagues have remained at an average of 4 people per league. Sometimes league 1 has 5 as the league organiser has some leeway in deciding on the level of enthusiasm for matches being played.
Steve has written to Richard Garfield (letters not tabled - but available if requested) about possible space for squash courts in the ‘Office Building’. Richard has replied and has indicated that provision has been made in the plans for squash courts.
Door lock agenda item 5
Sandra to update on Wellbeing at work committee - Sandra said there was no real update as the committee had not met because of other work pressures. Sandra agreed to ask about restarting the
sports starter pack as part of employment induction (ICR). The committee was unsure of what information the RMNHST provides for its new employees.

(ii)   Maintenance:
Jan 2002 - serviced yale door lock
Jan 2002 - discovered yale lock could be dead locked from outside, stops door from being opened from inside (Maggie)
Jan 2002 - cleaned up paths and cut back shrubs
Summer 2002 - RMH gardeners cleaned up shrubs and court area
October 2002 - air con failure - fans not working. Fixed 13 November 2002 by Trembath engineer - still awaiting bill. Burnt out wires.
October 2002 - leak in roof - action still awaiting. Steve to contact Marsden to see if they will carry out an inspection. If not contact ICR.

(iii) Court Usage.
5 leagues on average over year. At one stage down to 4 for a month.
Number of players booked courts = 53 (see attached stats)
40 players have played in the leagues over the year
Approx 11 have left and 13 have joined

       The weekly usage is up slightly to an average of 11.8 games per week.
This is due mainly to the increased amount of coaching (ad hoc) which went on between August and October

       Previous years usage:
11.0 2000-2001
11.8 1999-2000
13.5 1998-9
12.7 1997-8
15.7 1996-7
See attached sheets for stats (not yer available in web version)

(iv)  Coaching
Two coaching courses and one ad hoc course was run by Ron Nye

       Course 1: 13 June - 25 July 2002
Christine Southgate, Anne Fletcher, Questa Hope, Geoff Payne, Jo O
Reilly, Nick Hearle, Louise Johns, Simon Walker, Maggie Flower, Jonathon Gear, Raimund Guertl, Gopu Joshi, Antonis Kalemis, Cheryl O’Donoghue. Novice, improver and intermediate level and ad hoc after.

       Course 2:  7 November - 12 December 2002
Tine Schroeder, Sandra Easdale, Alex Malaroda, Karen James, Sigrid Kindt, Sharon Murphy, Richard, Geoff Payne, Amanda Chan, Alan McIntyre. Novice and improver level and ad hoc.

       Ad hoc: 29 August - 31 October 2002
Steve Edwards, Steve Bevan, Bob Ott, John Staffurth, Sandra Edwards, Simon Walker

(v)   Matches
None played.

(vi)  Racquet loan/purchase scheme.
Five Dunlop Max Rage racquets sold for approx £40 each during the year (Chris Stott, Anne Fletcher, Raymund, Hiran, Mark Sydenham)
The last one was sold to Mark Sydenham (Feb 2003).
The scheme was discussed and it was decided to continue with it.

(vii) Stickers Sales
Maggie, Antigoni, Steve Bevan, Louise, Phil Martin, Dai Suter, Sandra (Oct 2002 on), Nick (Nov 2002 on) were thanked for selling stickers.
Nick agreed to discuss sale of stickers behind bar with the pH committee.

4.    Accounts: Presented by Maggie (Chart and balance sheet) 01.01.02 - 31.12.02

5.    Change of lock and reimbursement of key deposit

       A new lock has been discussed with RMH maintenance (Steve 11.02.03). Dave Lindsay and Peter Hamil agreed to fit a digital coded lock. It was agreed with Dave, Peter and Jerry that the sum of £50 should be donated for the parts and labour to their tea club.

       The matter of the code, switch over time and key reimbursement were discussed. Steve suggested that the code be pinned temporarily to the door for a period of two weeks. Although this has a security implication, there is no other guaranteed way to distribute the code to everyone (eg. not everyone is on email). A notice will also be pinned up to say that a new code will be keyed in after the two week period. Emails will also be sent to the ICR and RMH staff to inform them of this change. The emails (and written notices) will give dates and venues where current members will be handed the code. This will also serve the double purpose of updating our membership list.

       There was a discussion on whether to reimburse current section members with cash for their key deposit. It was suggested, and unanimously carried that 6 stickers would be issued to those producing a key at the code handover.

6.    Election of officers

       Nick Hearle was co-opted to replace Steve Bevan as Membership Sec in Oct/Nov 2002

       The current officers stood for re-election again:
Steve Edwards as Chairman
Maggie Flower as Treasurer
Bob Ott as Secretary

       Nick Hearle was proposed as Membership Secretary

       All were proposed by : Sandra Edwards
 Seconded by: Louise Johns

       Chris Stott, Louise Johns, Antigoni Divoli, Sandra Edwards, and Mark Sydenham were elected as Ordinary Members

       Thanks were given to Steve Bevan for being Membership Sec . He took over from John Beech at the beginning of 1999. A cheque was given to him as a mark of the committee’s gratitude for his service and as a leaving present from the Squash Section

       Thanks were given to Joao Seco, and Young Lee (left for a new job) who served as Ordinary Members on the committee.

7.    AOB

       The following issues were raised by Mark Sydenham in email but were not submitted in time to be placed on the agenda.
a) Remove the 24hr booking limit and raise it to something more than that (3 days would be better).
b) Make all slots 40 minutes duration
c) Award penalty points for not completing all league games in the month

Following discussions the following unanimous decisions were made
a) 24hr booking period abandoned. By inference this means that there are no more ‘peak’ playing slots
b) The two lunchtime half-hour slot were scrapped and the slots re-jigged for 40 minutes
c) The members thought that there was sufficient enthusiasm for getting league games played and therefore thought that awarding penalty points was not warranted. The evidence for this was shown in the number of league played table: - of those who were in the leagues for a continuous 6 month period, 17/20 players completed greater than 50% of their matches; 13/20 played more than 2/3 of their matches.

       As a supplemental point it was unanimously decided to change the booking sheet to a week-to-view (Mon Fri)


No award for most courts booked by a player in the year, but this out of interest was won by Bob Ott (50).

Mike Chow Cup for Best League Improver

Prize not awarded as no one eligible for consideration

It’s likely that the general standard of play has gone up as virtually everyone in the leagues has been on the coaching courses (item 3 iv) !

Most League Games Played

The calculation for this is the number of games played vs. the number playable.
This year’s qualification was anyone playing more than 80% receives a prize (70% last year).
As there were 10 league sessions in the year 6 leagues had to be played to qualify.
4 players achieved the target of over 80%.
The committee decided on the following prizes:

1st       Maggie Flower          87.50% - £25.00 cash
2nd      Geoff Payne              87.04% - £20.00 cash
3rd       Bob Ott                      85.83% - £10.00 cash or stickers
4th       Sandra Edwards       83.33% - £10.00 cash or stickers