26th FEBRUARY 2004



Web Version

: Steve Edwards, Bob Ott, Maggie Flower, Nick Hearle, Antigoni Divoli, Louise Johns, Sandra Edwards, Mark Sydenham, Helen Tucker, Chong.


1.       Apologies: Chris Stott, Chris Croucher.


2.       Minutes and accounts of last years meeting for approval:

Minutes of 2001 -2002 were read and approved and subsequently signed.


3.       Chairman's Report combining matters arising


(i)      Matters arising from 2002:

·         Further to last year’s report Steve was contacted by Richard Garfield (no written notification) and told that the plans had changed over the ‘Office Building’, and that there was no chance of a court being accommodated in it. Steve to write to Richard Garfield to enquire about new court given that funding for other accessories were discussed at a recent CMG. Action SE


·         Door lock.

A second hand digital lock was fitted as discussed last year by Jerry the Marsden carpenter (4 March 2003). £50 cash was given as agreed to the RMH Building and Maintenance ‘tea club’. The old yale lock was removed as well as the other mortice lock.


The Squash Committee agreed a 4 digit and one letter code.

Email and written notices were posted and the ‘new’ code activated on 9 April 2003. When the new code was handed out by Nick and Steve, Ups membership numbers were requested, but this request was not strictly adhered to.

Bonafide members who had paid a yale key deposit were given 6 booking stickers as reimbursement. This was agreed as money was difficult to return as some members had paid £2 and some £3 key deposit. The handout may reflect on the income generated from sticker sales. Nick and Maggie calculated 14 people claimed their stickers allowance.


·         Booking system change notified 27 March 2003 by email and notices.

There are now only 100 booking slots in a week. ‘Peak’ booking slots have been abolished, but we are keeping the old sections to help with the stats.  There are only 3 lunchtime ‘peak’ slots now, so all slots are minimum of 40mins – some are 50 mins.

As agreed, booking can now be made on any slot a week in advance . Viewing of week is now Monday to Friday as agreed. There were no complaints from the floor about the new system


Penalising players for not completing leagues was not adopted as it was decided that the system of awarding prizes for completing the most league matches was sufficient incentive.


This year has seen a bit more enthusiasm for playing the league matches, 19/21 players completed at least 50% of league games (cf. 17/20 last year) and 14/21 played more than 60% of their matches (13/20 last year).


This is also reflected in the increase this year in number of league matches played (498 - 520) see later also (‘Court Usage’)


·         Nick agreed to discuss sale of stickers behind bar with the pH committee. Nick confirmed this at the meeting and will arrange with Maggie for the sale of stickers behind the bar. Action NH


(ii)      Maintenance:

·         Leak reported Oct 2002 has gone away, but will still request a roof inspection. Action SE

·         Air con fix (Nov 2002 fault reported Oct 2002) bill arrived (Invoice No 512608) but refused to pay it as I thought it was the same fault as in July 2001 (Invoice No 504128) so I sent a letter to Trembath 27.02.03. No reply to my letter. Then Trembath requested payment again in July 2003, and I sent another letter to query the charge in July 2003. Still no reply

·         May 2003 – Air con clock slow – reset.

·         May 2003 – Air con set to ‘summer mode’

·         May 2003 – new battery in balcony clock.

·         11 Nov 2003 – Air con set to ‘winter mode’.


(iii)     Court Usage.

·         5 leagues on average again this year.

Number of players booked courts is down from last year (53) to 47 (see attached stats)

The number who have played in the leagues over the year is down from 40 to 33.

However more league games were played 498 to 520, and the majority of these games

were played by the regulars (21) and up from 418 to 457 which is 10% extra played games

by the ‘regulars’. Approx. 12 league players have left (notably long term players Steve Bevan, Chris Stott, Paul Carnochan, Geoff Payne, Louise Johns and Anne Fletcher) and 7 have joined.


·         3 coaching evenings from previous years course counted in this year’s usage figures


·         The weekly usage is down significantly to an average of  9.5 games per week.(see chart).

This may be due directly to the lack of coaching (see below) which brings in new players and counteracts the high loss due to staff turnover.


·       Week beginning 28 July only one person booked a court  


Previous years average weekly usage:
11.8 2001-2002

11.0 2000-2001

11.8 1999-2000

13.5 1998-9

12.7 1997-8

see attached sheets for stats (not yet available in web version)


(iv)    Coaching

No coaching courses were run in the year:

However a ‘Squash Taster’ evening was run by our coach Ron Nye (4 December 2003). This was to give an idea of what squash is about to novices and total beginners.

14 Participants, Nicola Bixby, Rachel Hawes, Nadia Mudie, Charlotte Ridge, Bhavani Krishnan, Rebecca Fowler, Tatiana Fonseca, Yao-Jin Chang, Alain Oregioni, Laure Parent, Harm Dijkstra, Christina Fleischman, Rem, Louise Coutts.

Participants had an hour’s tuition for £3.00 each (Paid directly to Ronnie)


(v)     Matches

None played -  not presented to attendees.


(vi)    Racquet loan/purchase scheme.

          Feb 2003 - Last Dunlop Max Rage sold to Mark Sydenham (note also in last year’s minutes) for £35 (£5 discount I think).

          Nov 2003 - 3 Prince Power Fan Excel Ti bought from PWP (RRP £80 cost £40, sold for £40).

                            One sold to Dai Suter Dec 03 £40

                            One sold to Wai Liu Dec 03 £40

                            One left

          Feb 21, 2004 – Just for information – 6 more racquets bought from PWP

                           2 Prince Power Fan Excel Ti (RRP £80, cost £40 to be sold at £40)

                            1 Prince  Power Fan Tour Ti (RRP £70, cost £35 to be sold at £35)

                            1 Pro Kennex Power Bulge Tour 160 (RRP £51, cost £25 to be sold at £25)

                            2 Unsquashable Titanium 200Ti (RRP £68, cost £25 to be sold at £25)


          There was discussion on loan racquets, and a proposal to keep 2 of the cheaper ones as loan racquets. The proposal was carried. Action SE


(vii)    Stickers Sales

Maggie, Antigoni, Louise, Phil Martin, Dai Suter, Sandra, Nick  were thanked for selling booking stickers


4.       Accounts: Presented by Maggie (Chart and balance sheet) 01.01.2003 – 31.12.2003

The club has made a healthy profit this year.

Maggie was thanked for all her work over the year, and the AGM was reminded that this is the busiest job of all.

Helen Tucker raised the issue (actually at the beginning of the meeting) that she felt that the cost of a game was too cheap. There was discussion on the floor, and agreement that we should keep the cost the same primarily because we had no ‘mission statement’ to justify making more profit.  In addition the members wanted to keep the cost down to attract players, and felt that the facility was not such a top notch one to warrant a higher charge


5.       Election of officers

          The current officers standing again:

          Steve Edwards as Chairman

          Maggie Flower as Treasurer

          Bob Ott as Secretary

          Nick Hearle as Membership Secretary


          Chris Stott,

Louise Johns,

Antigoni Divoli,

Sandra Edwards

Mark Sydenham as Ordinary Members


All officers were proposed by: Sandra

          Seconded by: Louise


          Helen Tucker volunteered to join the committee as ‘Squash Coaching Arranging Assistant’ !!!

          Proposed by Bob

          Seconded by Maggie


6.       AOB  

·       Circuits and Pilates and Body conditioning (06 May – 09 May 2003) were held in the court whilst the hall and foyer of the Downs Club were being refurbished – Committee meeting 08 May 2003 to discuss. From now on all permission will need to be granted after approval from whole committee (by email is good). Other matters also discussed see

Main points were

a)        Permission should be granted by the committee for all applications from non-squash groups - this works well by email

b)        Exact times should be booked by the authorised person, so as to allow squash   players sufficient access.

c)        No more than one non-squash activity to be allowed for a max of 1 hour in any one day

·       Friendly contact list put up as actioned in court (14.05.03).

·       Notice put up to say stickers for deposit ended 14 May 2003

·       Sourcing new paint for front wall as stuff we have is old Action SE

·       The committee wished Phil Martin the best in his new career as he has mysteriously left the Institute. Committee to write a letter to him Action RO

·       All committee members were thanked for their efforts during the year.

·       Sandra reported that there was no further news on the ICR Well-being Committee

·       Sandra reported that she had made some squash info leaflets for the Health at work day (held 25 Feb 2004). It was suggested that these leaflets could be put in the squash court.

and near the Marsden Notice board as well Action SE

·       There was discussion about forming a doubles friendly ladder or league. The ladder could consist of mens, mixed and ladies. There was general support for the idea. Action SE


7.       AWARDS


No award for most courts booked by a player in the year, but this out of interest was won by Bob Ott (59).


Mike Chow Cup for Best League Improver


Prize to Antonis Kalemis from league 5 of 5 to league 3

Cash award of £25.00

Antonis was not there to collect his prize (Maggie subsequently informed him of the award - photo)


Most League Games Played


The calculation for this is the number of games played vs. the number playable.

This year’s qualification has been agreed again as 80%


As there were 10 leagues in the year 6 leagues had to be played to qualify.

6 players achieved the target of over 80%.


(The committee has decided on the following prizes)


1st      Maggie Flower          92.50% - £25.00 cash
2nd     Helen Tucker            91.67% - £20.00 cash
3rd     Antigoni Divoli         85.00% - £10.00 cash or stickers
4th     Martin Forster          83.33% - £10.00 cash or stickers
5th     Alex Maloroda          82.50% - £10.00 cash or stickers
6th     Sandra Edwards      80.00% - £10.00 cash or stickers