22nd FEBRUARY 2006


Web Version


Present: Bob Ott, Maggie Flower, Laure Parent, Jon Gear, Louise Johns, Sandra Edwards, Steve Edwards, Emily Webb, Wing Chau Tung, Ray Wiggins. Meeting started 6.00pm.


1.       Apologies:

          Antigoni Divoli, Chris Stott, Mark Sydenham.


2.       Minutes and accounts of last year’s meeting for approval: These had been distributed in June 2005. The minutes were duly approved and subsequently signed.


3.       Chairman's Report combining matters arising


          Steve tabled the Chairman’s notes. In view of time constraints, the blue text was for presentation and discussion; the black text was ‘tabled’ for attendees to read in their own time and was considered ‘accepted’ in lieu of any later objection. [Post meeting note: all text changed to black after minutes circulated to committee by Bob for approval - Mar 2006]


(i)      Matters arising from 2004:


·   From item 3 (i): Update on possible provision for land - discussions with Richard Garfield.

As Peter Rigby had implied there was a strong possibility that the new critical care hospital would be sighted at SGH, it was thought best to wait for further news of the development and potentially make a case for a bigger combined facility. Now that it appears as if the plans are shelved we need to revisit this possibility. We also have to ask what new plans there may be for the land. Action SE


·   From item 3 (i): Stickers for sale behind bar.

This scheme was started and advertised (on web as well) as actioned in the AGM 2003 - 2004. There was concern that money was going missing, but Laure informed the committee that it was just the 34 stickers that had could not be accounted for. The proposal (CS,LP) to stop the system was not put forward, instead Jon and Laure agreed to watch things more carefully. Perhaps implementing the money box system and providing less stickers in one go. Jon will also speak to the bar staff about the issue. Action JG/LP


·   From item 3  (i): Roof inspection and repair

As part of Asbestos survey (see later) we have received a quote for repairs. Steve has queried the details with Romfords - still awaiting response. We also may need to tender to other companies, but we first want to give this asbestos specialist company the first refusal.

As there are inside repairs required to asbestos standards we will hold on painting the side walls and out of court area until the inside repairs are conducted. The quote for all repairs is in the region of £1000 (£500 external, £500 internal).


·   From item 3 (i): Doubles Ladder/Doubles Evenings

The ladder wasn't started, but some Thursday evenings were run: 27 Jan, 03 Feb, 10 Feb, 07 Apr, 14 Apr, 12 May, 02 Jun, 09 Jun, 16 Jun 2005. Not all of these sessions were well attended. The bookings were discontinued due to lack of interest and sometimes clashing with coaching. A discussion followed, and Sandra said she knew of a squash player who might be prepared to take on the job of organising doubles evenings. Action SaE


·   From item 3 (iii): Added one extra week to last year's stats in order to bring back into line. Forgot to mention last year but put in as 'post meeting note'


·   From item 3 (vii): Sticker sellers in IT - Email from Laure (12.06.05) to say Dai  was no longer selling stickers (conversation with him Mar 2005). There is therefore no vendor in IT, but Louise said she was OK to cover GEB.


·   From item 3 (viii): Insurance - Steve contacted Willis who administer the NHSLA policy. Alan Cumber (ICR) had also expressed interest in finding out the situation.

     As the Ups and Downs are income generating, this creates an exclusion for public liability for all non-RMH staff. Steve sought quotes and Willis and other brokers (Somerville – previous club broker and Marsh). Willis found an underwriter 17.02.06 and this policy was authorised by Roger Thomas (Director of Facilities, RMH) and Helen Taylor (Treasurer Ups and Downs Club). Unfortunately there is no member-to-member cover and no pool provision at the moment. Somerville and Marsh are still seeking quotes. Further investigation will be needed to see if member - member cover can be provided and the pool committee are trying to find an underwriter. As such there was a proposal to put up notices in the squash club and send out an email to advertise this fact. Action SE


·   From item 6: Power was reconnected on 14 March 2005 (supply from DC Snooker room - Steve to take picture) via underground cable which replaced hung cable.


·   From item 6: List of players for sticker reimbursement sent to Laure 18.01.06. Thirteen people (23 stickers total). The reimbursement took place – thank you to Laure for this.


·   From item 6: Ron was given a copy of last year’s minutes at the start of the first coaching course 2005, he was also thanked in person for his coaching in 2004.


·   From special meeting (sgm) 11.10.05: Constitution - this needs validating after we found in the SGM Oct 2005 (see later) that nothing was really signed and there are two copies. We used half page document for transfer of account from Halifax to Alliance and Leicester. Steve to prepare a new version and present at a later date for acceptance as future committee business. Maggie asked if we could ensure that a provision was built in so that no account closure could be credited (e.g. by cheque) to one individual. Action SE


·   From ordinary meeting (ogm) 22.09.05: Membership Secretary sticker debt - Antigoni’s proposal to write off the debt at the end of 2005 financial year was unanimously agreed. Hand-written note added to accounts by Steve.


·   From 1997-98 and 1998-99 AGM minutes.

When the current dehumidifier was fitted in 1998, there were some question marks over the quality of the fitting and subsequent term of the service warranty. This meant that the business of paying the bill with Trembath went on well into 1999. During this period quite a bit correspondence happened and a summary is shown below. The upshot is that we owed £1500.01 to Trembath which they wrongly credited to us. This error was queried by Steve on a number of occasions (letter and phone), but never corrected by Trembath. In view of the company being liquidated a proposal was made to:


i)     write off the debt.

ii)    accept the hand-written amendment made by Steve to the 1997-1998 accounts and AGM minutes to record this.

iii)    accept the hand-written amendment made by Steve to the 1998 - 1999 accounts to record we still owed £1500.01 at that stage.


The motion was carried (proposer BO, seconder SaE)


Summary of events (from squashfile.doc)

11 January 1999

TSC 15: Air conditioner payment. £776.44 for remainder of payment on new TSC 15.

Some history (added 15.02.06 Steve):

The unit was quoted as £3,149 (incl. VAT) by Ian Paulin in Jan 1998. This was a discount price in view of a previous error with quoting a trade price and because we had spent circa £2,870 on repairs to the old unit. This was a discount of approx £100. When the 2KW heater was added in the price was £3,325.25 (incl. VAT & delivery). This was confirmed again by Ian in Feb 1998. The installation price was quoted as £384 + VAT = £451.20, 05 March 1998. Total cost of unit plus installation = £3776.45.

Deposit of £1500 (or part payment) paid by cheque (sent by Julian 26 Mar 1998 – and cashed 31.03).

First invoice from Trembath Aug 1998 41181 (acc R883) for £3325.25 just the cost of the unit – queried by letter 24.08.98 where receipt for £1500 was. Peter Canning said (21.09.98) they had a record of the £1500 and would bill us for the £451.20 soon.


Correct invoice received (dated 20/10/98); No 41181 (£3325.25), No 41877 (£451.20), No 1272 (Credit of £1500). So correct amount to pay was £2276.45. Faxed letter to Trembath (tremth 24.doc) 28 October 1998 to enquire about warranty, thermostat fault and confirming if these points OK then we would draft the cheque for £2276.45. Reply to fax from Peter Canning (13 Nov 1998) confirming these arrangements and final settlement.


Out of blue received a credit note for install costs = £1500.01 (No 42608 acc R883  dated 12 Nov 1998). Then another invoice dated 12 Nov 1998 with two new transactions No 42563 (-£1374.05) No 42609 (+£1374.05). It still had  41181, 41877, 1272 and 42608 (the -£1500.01 credit). So this made the total to pay £776.44 which was £1500.01 too little.


Rang Trembath accounts dept. and they said they would issue a new invoice with correct charges as Steve pointed out there was a credit of £1500.01 which should not be there. A new invoice was received subsequent to this call dated 16 December 1998, but with all the same numbers, bill = £776.44. Discussed with officers of club and decided to pay this and wrangle later about credit note. Bob Ott signed cheque for £776.44, and sent to Trembath 11 January 1999 by Steve “in settlement of account number R883”.


There is a note in the Chairman’s notes 1997-1998 and AGM minutes of that same period. But we never paid the credit back and Trembath went bust in approx early 2005 so we may never be asked for this money. Have added a hand-written note to accounts 1997-98 to say £1500 deposit paid. Correction to 97-98 minutes that 2276.44 still owing. Note in 1998-99 accounts and minutes to say we still owed £1500.01 at that stage, but that the credit would be officially written off in a record in the 2004-2005 AGM notes.


·   From 2002-03 and 2003-04 AGM minutes.

     Items 3 (ii) Maintenance on both occasions:

Air con fix (13 Nov 2002  fixed - sheet signed by Dennis Underwood, fault reported Oct 2002) bill arrived (Feb 2003 Invoice No 512608 for £194.32) but payment refused as Steve thought it was the same fault as in July 2001 (Invoice No 504128) so Steve sent a letter to Trembath 27.02.03 enquiring about size of charge and stating there was no ‘time on site’ filled in. No reply to my letter. Enquiry from Stewart Northcote and photocopy of same invoice in late April 2003. Then Trembath wrote (Bob Shackleton) requested payment again in July 2003. The letter stated “we are concerned that despite previous requests for payment the above February invoice remains unpaid”. Steve sent another letter to query the charge on July 16, 2003, saying the bill had not been paid because of query on 27.02.03. Still no reply. In view of the company being liquidated a proposal was made to:


i)     write off the debt.

ii)    accept a hand-written amendment made by Steve to the 2001 - 2002 accounts to say we incurred this bill of £194.32 in that period but never paid it because of an outstanding query with Trembath.


The motion was carried (proposer LJ, seconder JG)



(ii)      Maintenance:


·   Working Party 19 January 2005

Court Maintenance - Working Party (email sent out for volunteers)

·   Bob, Louise, Mark, Steve, Nick, Laure (social)

·   Floor had become very slippery, all court non-playing hoovered, all mats beat, floor swept, floor washed. One wash Decon 90 (2 caps)., One wash acetic acid (2 caps), general tidy, filter cleaned.

·   Power cable hung from DC to squash court to supply electricity after F and E blocks demolished (07 – 11 February 2005). Cable seen hanging down (17.02.05). Contractors spoken to (Steve), cable securing had pulled bricks out of DC (photos available). Liased with Colin Randall for re-supply. Email to Colin Randall (18.02.05) to convey concern over potential damage caused by suspended cable to squash court.

·   Discussion with Colin Randall (06 March 2005), trench to be dug. Power reconnected 14 March 2005. Total period without power 17 Feb – 14 Mar 2005. Thanks sent (15.03.05) to Brian Gibb and Colin Randall for sorting things out.

·   Coin stuck in meter. Reported by Christina Fleischmann and Emily Webb (21.03.05). Removed from within mechanism and left operational.

·   Don Taylor (RMH Buildings & Maint) kindly arranged (17 October 2005) for builders rubble to be removed from squash court area after installation of lights for RMH car park where E & F Blocks used to be.

·   Email to Chris Stott (ICR Build and Maint -19 October 2005) to ask if he could recommend a roofer to inspect the external roof of the squash court. This was one of Steve’s action points from various AGMs and meetings. This has subsequently moved on to become part of the asbestos survey (see below) as we are waiting for a quote from Romfords to repair the roof.

·   Court Maintenance 30 October 2005 Steve Sandra:

·   Scraped and painted chipped paint on front wall approx 40 chips. SQ1 paint (July 2004 – pot 2/2) used. Paint getting old – skin on top. Need some new stuff. 

·   Brushed floor, balcony and stairs. Removed cement from drillings for new power cable.

·   Put clock back. Cleaned air filter

·   Noticed burnt out wires in electrics of TSC 15 – similar to July situation. These should have been fine as they were replaced by Gary.

·   Found Maskold engineer report in grille, this must have been from 19.07.05 visit (Gary). Air on cond 19.3°C. Air off 31°C. Air on evap air off. Called Bruce Maskold 31.10.05 - he thought it was Gary doing temp checks - again in July.

·   Cleaned up and cut back shrubs etc.

·   Found drain blocked, found grille for drain and replaced.

·   Evidence again of roof leak near front wall

·   Circuit breaker for Quartzray heaters trips out if both switches put on together. Chris Stott has kindly agreed to source a new one (Dec 05).

·   Floor Washing

19.01.05 - prior to proposed doubles nights (see above)

27.07.05 - prior to coaching (soap and acetic acid). General tidy of court

·   Air con set to

‘Summer mode’ (21.06.05) Main set to 12.5°C. Heater to 30°C (ie off). Clock set BST..

'Winter mode' (30.10.5) Main set to 15°C, 15°C on 2KW heater. Reset circuit breaker in distribution board.

·   Air con (TSC 15) maintenance:

·   Suspected problem with unit (21.06.05), hot air coming out on a hot day !

·   22.06.05 checked coils on TSC 15 – all frozen on top coil. Court very warm at 24.5°C. Switched off at consumer unit and left to defrost. Cleaned lower coils with ULTIMA COLOUR sachet dissolved in 2L water. Squirty bottle and lightly tooth-brushed. Lots of muck in tray  - removed. Water isn’t draining from the tray. Rang  Trembath (23.06.05) - now WR Refrigeration and not doing TSC 15 anymore. Top coils now defrosted. So cleaned as 22.06.05. Took a lot longer as harder to see properly. Most ‘bars’ fins very clean. Used approx 2L of soap liquid. Liquid again not draining. Chris Stott (24.06.05) kindly put us in contact Maskold Refrigeration, Wimbledon.

     27.06.05 - Gary from Maskold inspected unit. Chris Stott in attendance. Discussion on how to keep unit in good order - painting base etc. Gary said there was low air through the coils and they needed a more thorough clean - suggested acid. Steve agreed to organise a mains water supply so that Gary could hose things down. Gary said that thermostats looked OK after he was asked to check them. Gas and refrigeration looked OK.

Gary returned (05 July 2005). Hose pipe attached via swimming pool (Nicola Bixby thanked).All coils cleaned from outside. Cleaned bottom unit. Gary replaced plastic electrical connector block (chocky) which he said had probably arced in wet weather - hence burnt out. Gary confirmed that the circuits and thermostats were in good order after being asked what had cause the burnt out wires. Set clock. Gave Gary a copy of the circuit diagram from Trembath. Also sent a copy to Chris Stott. Gary gave me some filter material. Job report (8831) read: Remove covers. Apply cleaner to evap coil and cond. Hose clean coils. Remove debris from drip tray. Replace electrical terminal strip and repair burnt wires. Test run. Site manager to paint base of a/c. Supply only replacement filter media. Told Chris Stott about repairs by email.

Invoice (24561) for work (Job 8831) conducted 05 July 2005 received. Asking for £26.06. This was for some parts - paid and queried by Steve in letter 16 July 2005 (too little for job) which included  a note to say unit was not functioning properly - not pumping out cold air as it used to. Concern still something wrong with it.

Letter sent to Maskold (17 July 2005) dated 16 July 2005. Paying £26.06 and saying still not satisfied with performance. Unit still pumping out hot air 18.0705). Clock was 12hrs out so re-set. Thermostat not clicking when turned around fully. Called Maskold spoke to Nici, sent letter requesting visit dated 18 July as an attachment by email.

·   Gary attended (19.07.05) spoke to Nici later and wrote a report up after speaking to Gary at 3.30pm on phone. He agreed unit was sending out warm air. He had checked the pressures and they were OK. He believed the heating circuit was still active even though the unit was in ‘summer’ mode. He had lowered the heater thermostat and hope this would lower the temp. Steve queried the fact that the heater shouldn’t work in ‘summer’ mode. Gary said the way the wiring was allowed it !!. See report as this is at variance with what Gary told me on his July 05 visit as he probed for heater circuit current !! Steve wrote as action item  that there should be a full wiring check. Found job report 30.10.05, no obvious number recorded. Summary of work faded but could just make out “Air on cond 19.3°C. Air off 31°C. Air on evap air off”. Called Bruce Maskold 31.10.05 - he thought it was Gary doing temp checks - again in July.

Received (11.08.05) rest of invoice (24621) for Job 8831 (05 July 2005). Five hours labour and travel = £205.63. Had paid parts previously (£26.06). Sent cheque for £205.63 on 17.08.05 (letter dated 15.08.05).

·   Service contract for TSC 15 (through Maskold) - discussed and agreed OGM 22.09.05:

     First hard copy of proposed service contract from Maskold (11.08.05). request for Squash Club to be named on contract, and for cash/cheque account. Received modified contract 15.08.05, but without Squash Club being named (email to Cassie 22.08.05 to query). Revised maint contract (19 August 2005) received (dated 15.08.05) CAN 01/C from Cassie. Corrected with Squash Club named. Cost £210 + VAT. Subsequent meeting (see 22 September 2005) to unanimously agree to take out contract.

     Letter sent (10 October 2005) to Cassie to pay for maintenance contract. Cheque drawn for £246.75 by Laure 09.10.05.

     Email from Cassie (26 October 2005) to say payment received and new copy of contract sent out.  New copy received 27.10.05. This had reference number as CAN 03. This new reference number was queried by Steve by email to Cassie on 21.10.05, but no answer as yet. Request by Bruce Maskell in his letter dated 30.11.05 for payment of this contract (all fixed subsequently 30.11.05 and 06.12.05).

·   Logged call with Nici Maskell by email (31 October 2005) about burnt out wires found working party 30.10.05). Fault reported to Bruce on the phone earlier - also reported circuit breaker tripped. Email expressed concerned about wires as they had been replaced by Gary in July 2005. Said it was 3rd or 4th time burnt wires found and expressing concern. Mick from Maskold attended at 4.10pm and saw burnt wires. Said he would be back 01 or 02 Nov. Asked Mick to check for cause of burnt wires and for operation of 2KW heater.

     Mick from Maskold attended (01 November 2005). Job No 9695. He replaced wiring and contactor and said it was the contactor causing the problem.

     Invoice for works (25185 Job 9695) (10 November 2005) conducted by Mick 01.11.05 received. 3.5 hr labour travel. Parts £37. Total £167.92.

     Letter to Maskold (25 November 2005) complaining about fact source of burnt out wires not found by Gary originally in July 2005. Suggestion from Steve to knock off 3 hrs labour.

Response from Bruce Maskell (rec 05.12.05) 30 November 2005 regarding Job 9695. He said problem was caused by blocked air filter ice and poor maintenance. Advised general condition poor and drawing high amps due to bearing wear. Also advising (incorrectly) that maint contract payment overdue.

Letter back to Bruce Maskell (06 December 2005) refuting his claims. Said there was no evidence for his assertion that the engineers had said the unit was old and becoming unserviceable. No evidence of bearing wear. Clarified maint contract situation as well.

Letter from Bruce Maskold (12 December 2005) to say he had received “another letter”, about apparent confusion over general condition. No mention and response to request for evidence of his previous assertions that unit was in poor condition.

[Outside AGM reporting period - for information only] Email (23 January 2006) from Nici to say account was overdue for Job 9695 (£167.92).

[Outside AGM reporting period - for information only] Letter (30 January 2006) to Bruce Maskell to say his previous letter did not give answers. Suggested reducing hours to be paid for from 3.5 to 2hrs.


The total bill for air con costs for the year was £205.63 + £246.75 = £452.38

Outstanding bill of £167.92

·   Asbestos Report

·   Email from Don Taylor (18 October 2005) to say copy of RMH Asbestos Survey in post to Steve. Report received 19 October 2005. The survey was conducted in 2003 (GsdSafety Surveyors) unbeknown to the Squash Committee. It said there had been an inspection of the squash court. Upper walls and roof cladding are asbestos cement. Contains chrysotile and Crocid, with some damage, risk level 4, recommended encapsulation. Steve spoke with Chris Stott about the situation and Chris kindly arranged by email (21.10.05) for another survey to be conducted by Romfords Insulation on Steve’s instruction - pending Chairman’s executive action. Steve reported finding to Roger Thomas by email (26.10.05) cc squash committee. Roger replied (26.10.05) to say Brian Gibbs might know about the RMH survey of 2003. Brian replied (28.10.05) to say no work had been carried out on the squash court wrt the asbestos report 2003.

·   Quote received from Romfords (via Chris Stott) 31 October 2005. Quote £500 plus VAT for Type 2 Survey Jim Marling. Steve took Chairman’s executive action to accept the quote in lieu of any objections from the squash committee who were cc’ed on the email to Chris Stott. No objections. Acceptance of quote and letter to Jackie Marling 01 November 2005 with pro-forma. Visit scheduled 04 November 2005. Query from Steve by email (01.11.05) to ask if we were VAT exempt as non-profit making. Reply from Jackie Marling (03.11.05) – no!

·   Inspection of squash court by Romfords (04 November 2005) for Type 2 Survey. Unsure who attended.

·   Received (16 November 2005) report on Type 2 asbestos survey conducted by Romfords in person from Jim Marling (12.45pm). Chris Stott & Steve Edwards in attendance (Peter Willmor later on inside). Jim explained there was an asbestos ‘skim’ on all the vertical surfaces. He thought it was there for fire protection purposes. Some boards were damaged. Jim pointed out these on the inspection tour we took. Sticking in drawing pins was pointed out as being a potentially unsafe thing.

     The report said that all the asbestos found was Chrysotile, and present in the ‘low density boards’ in the interior and also in the external cement sections and external roof sheets. Our risk priority score was rated as ‘low’. Recommendations were to repair some of the panels as they were damaged (drawing pins and ball hitting damage).

Chris and Steve asked Jim for a quote for repairs to the inside boards and suspected leak on external corrugated roof. Jim said he would send someone round to assess. Chris and Steve thought that Romford should be given first refusal on the work as they would conduct it tithe correct specification. Steve brought this up at this AGM and the committee concurred (see below).

·   06 December 2005Queried fact we had not received an invoice for survey with Jackie (email). Also queried quote for repairs to inside and roof. Reply from Jim (06.12.05) to say invoice on its way, and that man would conduct roof inspection etc. on 12.12.05.

·   Having read the report, Steve drafted a letter (14 December 2005) and sent queries to Jim Marling by email and post. Letter queried Romfords company address missing. Querying how many ‘surveyors’. Who gave details of occupancy, frequency of use etc. Query on ceiling tiles ‘As SO2’ but register states different ‘ No Asbestos Detected’ - colour coding also wrong. Said acting on behalf of members and would like to get it right !

·   Quote received (14 December 2005) for asbestos work and roof fixing (dated 13.12.05). Cost for roof £420, cost for internal £500. Steve queried the condition of the ext roof sheets - report mentioned visible cracks - how many and where? Asked for condition of securings and flashing, runaways and guttering. Asked for more details on priming, scim and aquapol seal. Asked for serviceable life of repair.

·   [Outside AGM reporting period - for information only] Email (10 January 2006) to Jim Marling (care of Ann Randall) thanking for invoice received Dec 2005 and asking if he had had a chance to read my enquiries about the asbestos report and quote and repairs. Laure had kindly drawn a cheque for £507.50 for the report on 05.10.06 (not sent though).

·   Laure pointed out that the fee is included in the accounts for this period (see later section 4)

·   [Outside AGM reporting period - for information only] Hard copy letter (21 January 2006) sent again to Jim Marling enquiring about report and quote. Copies of letter sent 14.12.05 and email 14.12.05 attached.

·   [Outside AGM reporting period - for information only] Email (09 February 2006) from Jim Marling to apologise for lack of response to enquiries. Said that all queries will be dealt with asap.


(iii)     Court Usage.

·   8 leagues on average this year but with addition of 2 'Novice Leagues' (Nov - Mar and Sep - Nov 05).  The novice leagues were created for the beginner and novice coachees. The novice leagues were discontinued because of the lack of interest in scoring or playing matches.


     Number of players booking courts is up from last year (60) to 69 (see attached stats).


     The number who have played in the leagues over the year is up from 60 to 67.


     A few less league games were played 853 compared to 898 a fall of 5%.

     The February league was extended because of the power cut. This was therefore a double month. The two-month league in the summer didn’t happen as a consequence.


Approximately 24 league players (double last year - 11) have left (notably long term players Jhangir Iqbal, Christina Fleischmann, Nick Hearle, Alain Oregioni, Harmen, Joao, Antonis) and 23 have joined compared to same number last year.


·   The weekly usage is up again this year from an average of 18.6 games per week to 19.6 (see chart).

This is the highest weekly average since 1996-1997


Previous years average weekly usage:

                 18.6  2003-2004

                   9.5  2002-2003

                 11.8  2001-2002

                 11.0  2000-2001

                 11.8  1999-2000

                 see attached sheets for stats (not yet available in web version)


·   The percent of slots playable is up from 18.6% to 19.6%.

The total number of games played this year is up from 987 to 1019. This quite amazing considering we lost a month of play because of the power cut (17 Feb – 14 Mar 2005). The figure contains 44 coaching slots, 16 coaching practice slots, 12 Mini-olympic slots and 28 doubles evenings slots.


Maggie proposed a vote of thanks to Mark Sydenham who had proposed at AGM 2001 -2002 that we should go to booking one week in advance, as this was perceived to have contributed to the upsurge in play. Bob noted that the coaching had probably also played a major role so Ron Nye was thanked by the committee for his efforts. Steve to put Wing Chau in touch with Ron as Chau has kindly offered to be co-opted as ‘Coaching Assistant’. Action SE


Louise was given confirmation that Ron had agreed that 6 in a class can work OK. The preferred number is four or five, but when demand for coaching is high then we try to accommodate as many as possible.


(iv)    Coaching

Again with our resident coach Ron Nye.

Approx charge per coachee for both courses = £27

Six week courses: 28 July 2005 - approx 01 September 2005

Beginners: Daleen Lopez-Begg, Wing-Chau Tung, Niki Panakis, Biju Krishnan, Zahra Mohri, Catherine Best, (Reserves, Benjamin Roe, Sonali De Silva).

Novices: Helen Underwood, Jayne Getaz, Emma Harris, Tatiana FD-Fonseca, Tina Cheng Fang, Louise Coutts, (Reserves, Jacqueline Godfrey, Sonali De Silva).

Improvers: Johan De-Bono, Dan Williamson, Emily Webb, Lesiba Mogotlane, David Johnson, Peter Mollison.

10 November 2005 - approx  15 December 2005

Beginners: Maria Simoes, Sarah Bryant, Keiko Miyazaki, Ricardo Morilla, Michelle Cooper, Neil Goddard.

Novices: James d'Arcy, Wing Chau Tung, Daleen Lopez-Begg, Niki Panakis, Joanna Selfe, Ian Chandler, (Reserve, Zahra Mohri).

Improvers: Laure Parent, Richard Hubner, Dominic Muston, Emily Webb, Sandra Edwards, Sonali De-Silva, (Reserve, Irelna Kruger).


A discussion arose in response to Wing Chau’s proposal to have some more informal coaching. This would involve players contacting Ron to ask for coaching. The committee confirmed that Ron was completely happy to be contacted in this way but also felt the formal 6-week course should be continued. Wing Chau volunteered to contact Ron to see what his plans were and then to co-ordinate some coaching if appropriate.


Ron was thanked by the committee for his sterling efforts in 2005 (see above), which the committee felt had helped the upsurge in interest.



(v)     Matches / Doubles Night / Singles Ladder

·   No matches played

·   Squash Doubles Evening (27 January 2005)

First evening for this. Ron Nye present to help out. Planned to keep it going on a Thursday night at 5.30pm.

Present: Ron, Steve, Sandra, Peter Willmor, Louise Chris and Jon.

Web pages were set up and we hoped to start a league.

·   Subsequent nights: 27 Jan, 03 Feb, 10 Feb, 07 Apr, 14 Apr, 12 May, 02 Jun, 09 Jun, 16 Jun 2005. Not all of these sessions were well attended. The bookings were discontinued due to lack of interest and sometimes clashing with coaching. See matters arising for more info.

·   As part of the discussion, a proposal was made to start a singles ladder. Jon kindly volunteered to start something off. Either by the old card system or on the web. Steve said he would help set up access etc if a web system was favoured. Action JG

·   The issue of the handicap tournament was raised. The committee felt that there were not quite enough regular league players yet to make the tournament viable.


(vi)    Racquet Purchase/Loan Scheme.

Committee approval (09.07.05) to reduce price of Wilson Hyper Hammer (120) £60 to £45. Price changed accordingly and updated on web site.


1 x Pro Kennex Power Bulge Tour 160 RRP £51, reduced £25 Feb 2004 - to be used as loan racquet

1 x Unsquashable Titanium 200Ti (RRP £68, reduced £25 Feb 2004 - to be used as loan racquet

1 x Wilson Hyper Hammer 120 Carbon from Ron 17.06.04 RRP £130 (club £60) - to be used as loan racquet

1 x Dunlop Titanium Black Max from Ron 17.06.04 RRP £60 (club £40) - to be used as loan racquet

Sold this racquet to Pat Kelly 29.09.05 for £30 Cheque to Laure 11.10.05


1 x Wilson Hyper Hammer 120 Carbon from Ron 17.06.04 RRP £130 sell for £60 - Sold Andoni 11.08.04 for £60

1 x Wilson Hyper Hammer 120 Carbon from Ron 24.06.04 RRP £130 sell for £60 - Sold Helen T 11.08.04 for £60

1 x Wilson Hyp Ham 120 Carb from Ron 24.06.04 RRP £130 sell for £60 reduced £45 - Not yet sold


1x Fischer Pro 150 No. 1 Titanium from Ron 06.08.04 RRP £100 sell for £40 - Sold to Alex Irrthium 03.12.04 £40

1x Fischer Pro 150 No. 1 Titanium from Ron 06.08.04 RRP £100 sell for £40 - Sold to Laure Parent 08.12.04 £40

1x Fischer Pro 150 No. 1 Titanium from Ron 06.08.04 RRP £100 sell for £40 - Sold to Alan McIntyre 14.03.05 £40


1x Fischer Pro 150 No. 1 Titanium from Ron 00.09.04 RRP £100 sell for £40 - Sold to Bob Ott 08.10.04 £40

1x Fischer Pro 150 No. 1 Titanium from Ron 00.09.04 RRP £100 sell for £40 - Sold to Dan Williamson 02.06.05 £40

(one with out cover - Paid Ron for both, and received cover Nov 2004)


1 x Dunlop Black Max Titanium Cheam Spts 02.07.05 RRP £100 sell for £45 - Sold to Neil Goddard 25.11.05 £45

1 x Dunlop Black Max Titanium Cheam Spts 02.07.05 RRP £100 sell for £45 - Sold to Laure Parent 09.12.05 £45

1 x Dunlop Black Max Titanium Cheam Spts 02.07.05 RRP £100 sell for £45 - Sold to Sarah Bryant 16.12.05 £45


1 x Head Intelligence i.160 Cheam Sports 02.07.05 RRP £100 sell for £45 - Sold to Joanne Selfe 07.12.05 £45

1 x Head Intelligence i.160 Cheam Sports 02.07.05 RRP £100 sell for £45 - Not yet sold

1 x Head Intelligence i.160 Cheam Sports 02.07.05 RRP £100 sell for £45 - Not yet sold


1 x Wilson Hyper Hammer 170 from Ron Aug 05 RRP £50 - bought for £30 - to be used as loan racquet


1 x Dunlop Black Max Titanium 150 from Ron Aug 05 RRP £60 sell for £30 - Not yet sold



(vii)    Stickers Sales

The committee thanked Laure, Emily, Bob, Antigoni, Louise, Sandra, Steve, Christina, Nick, and Neveen for their sticker selling throughout the year.  



(viii)   Other meetings in year and other matters:

·   Steve sent an email to Phil Martin (17.01.05) to wish him luck with his new job and to say thank you for all his support over the years.

·   Christina Fleischmann agreed to take over from Nick Hearle as Membership Secretary (01.08.05). Nick given leaving present from squash club (tide clock).

·   Emily Webb agreed to take over from Christina Fleischmann as Membership Secretary (05.09.05).

·   OGM (22.09.05) pH bar. To discuss transfer of squash accounts from Lloyds/Halifax, signatories, and dehumidifier. See \Committee Meeting d 22.09.05.doc and web page for more details.

·   SGM (11 October 2005) Special General Meeting BLB 3.30pm

To complete transfer documents for Halifax to Alliance and Leicester, Steve, Bob, Laure (officers). A constitution was found - to be ratified see matters arising. See \Committee Meeting e (Special) 11.10.05.doc for more details.

·   Subsequently various forms to Laure for transfer. Forms sent to A&L sent by Laure with copy of constitution. Copy of application received from Laure 26.10.05 for records (Steve). Confirmation from Alliance and Leicester (12 December 2005) that new account has been set up and they can do payment transfer service.

     Letter from Halifax (14 December 2005) to Steve and Maggie asking them to call. Subsequently Maggie received the closing balance (amount  recorded in written document archives) in a cheque. Maggie sent cheque to Alliance and Leicester with paying in slip provided by Laure. Email to Maggie (cc committee) on 20.12.05 to thank her and Laure for setting this up. Confirmation Halifax closing balance money had reached A&L from Laure by email 03.01.06.

Letter (16 December 2005) from Alliance and Leicester to confirm request for Internet Banking.


4.       Accounts: Presented by Laure (Chart and balance sheet)

Outstanding bill for the period of £167.92 for air con maintenance (see 3 ii maintenance).

There were no questions on the accounts, Laure was thanked by the committee for her work throughout the year and for preparation and presentation of the accounts.



5.       Election of Officers

          The current Officers standing again:

          Steve Edwards as Chairman

          Laure Parent as Treasurer

          Bob Ott as Secretary

          Emily Webb as Membership Secretary


          Chris Stott,

Louise Johns,

Antigoni Divoli (in absentia for 18 months),

Sandra Edwards,

Mark Sydenham,

Maggie Flower,

Jonathon Gear, all as Ordinary Members


A new Ordinary Member was also standing - Wing Chau Tung

Chau has also kindly agreed to be co-opted as ‘Coaching Assisstant’


All Proposed by: Jon

          Seconded by: Sandra


6.       AOB  

·   Steve thanked all the committee members for their efforts during the year.

·   Stickers in bar / money box - this was discussed and agreed in 3 (i) Matters Arising

·   Profit on coaching - enquiry from Laure 15.01.06. The proposal by Mark to offset the cost of the practice session on the day after coaching was carried unanimously. Steve wrote a hand-written note in the accounts to record this.




No award for most courts booked by a player in the year, but this out of interest was won by Bob Ott - 58 and last year’s winner as well with 51.


Mike Chow Cup for Best League Improver


The decision was considered by the committee (18-20.01.06) and the winner unanimously agreed.


The Cup is awarded to Christina Fleischmann who started off in league 8 of 8 (Nov 2004) and rose to league 4 of  8 in Sep 2005, shortly before leaving. Christina started as a ‘novice’ in Apr 2004.


Cash award of £25.00 and plaque to keep.

Christina was not present to accept her award, so Steve agreed to send the plaque and money on. Christina was informed of award by email 23.02.06 (Steve).


Emily was congratulated on her improvement from league 8/8 to 5/7 in the same period.




Most League Games Played


The calculation for this is the number of games played vs. the number playable.

This year’s qualification was raised to 95% (from 90%) by the league organiser.

Bob noted that this was the 2nd successive annual threshold increase (from 80% 2002-2003).


As there were 10 leagues in the year, 6 leagues had to be played to qualify.

4 players achieved the target of over 95%.


The committee decided on the following prizes.


1st               Mark Sydenham                 100.00%* - £25.00 cash

2nd              Emily Webb                        97.50% ** - £20.00 cash       

3rd               Nick Hearle                         95.83%   - £10.00 cash or stickers

4th               Christina Fleischmann      95.24%   - £10.00 cash or stickers


*      All 40 matches played in the 10 leagues.

**    33/34 played.


Mark was not present to accept his prize. Steve to forward.

Emily agreed to try to find Nick’s contact details so that his prize can be forwarded.

Steve will forward Christina’s prize along with her other award. [Post meeting note: Christina’s plaque and both awards were sent to her subsequently. Mark was also given his award].



Meeting closed 7.10pm