Ordinary General Meeting Squash Committee 22 September 2005: pH Bar.


Web Version

Minutes of meeting (Started 5.00pm):


Present: Bob Ott, Maggie Flower, Laure Parent, Emily Webb, Mark Sydenham, Jon Gear,  Antigoni Divoli, Sandra Edwards, Louise Johns, Steve Edwards.

: Received from Chris Stott.


Introductions and ‘thanks’

Emily was introduced to the committee as the new Membership Secretary. Emily kindly agreed to take over from Christina Fleischmann. Christina is leaving soon and was thanked for her efforts on the committee. (Note post meeting - Steve emailed Christina on 05.09.05 to thank her for her contribution to the squash club).



1. Squash savings accounts - Lloyds/Halifax

2. Secretary post and signatories on accounts

3. Squash dehumidifier maintenance contract - Maskold

4. AOB


1. Squash savings accounts - Lloyds/Halifax

Laure presented her findings on her research into different current and savings accounts (document not attached - kept in hard-copy files). The four banks listed were Halifax, Lloyds, Abbey, Alliance and Leicester. There was debate about which to select for cheque book facility, coin depositing and best interest rate. In view of Bob’s kind offer to stay for another year (see next agenda item) it was unanimously agreed to keep the Lloyds current account. This will save us having to complete a transfer of signatories form for the time being and give us some time to decide on whether we need a cheque book type account in the future.


There was unanimous agreement to transfer our savings from Halifax (current interest at 1.65%) to Alliance and Leicester (current interest at 4.1%). Unfortunately Alliance don’t operate a current account (Note post meeting - Laure kindly got the forms from Alliance and they were signed by Laure, Bob and Steve on 11.10.05 as Treasurer, Secretary and Chairman - a separate minute will record this as a Special Meeting 11.10.05’. There was a request on the forms for a constitution so the one on record was validated at the meeting.).


Jon proposed to look at the Post Office as a possibility. (Note post meeting - Laure kindly looked into this and has found that the Post Office do not operate a ‘Club’ account - email 06.10.05).


There was agreement to review the accounts in another year and to investigate other banks.

The current threshold for Lloyds is £500 - as agreed in the ‘Special Committee’ meeting 19.03.1999 (kept in hard-copy files).


2. Secretary post and signatories on accounts

     Prior to the meeting Bob had kindly agreed to stay on as Secretary. As Bob is retiring soon and taking up honorary status it was proposed that this change of staff status be acknowledged and agreed constitutionally. The motion was agreed unanimously. Bob was thanked for agreeing to stay on. With regard to signature changes on accounts, it was suggested that this might be more timely in about a year’s time as Laure may wish to relinquish the Treasurer’s post at that time.

3. Squash dehumidifier maintenance contract - Maskold

     Steve updated the committee on the Trembath TSC 15 dehumidifier. Trembath, the makers, had gone into liquidation. Chris Stott had kindly made contacts with a local refrigeration/air-conditioning company called Maskold (Wimbledon). They had repaired the unit in July 2005. Chris had subsequently arranged for the unit to be recognised as part of the site maintenance policy and the company had sent a proposed maintenance contract. This will cost £210 +VAT (£246.75) and will give us 2 routine visits per year (note added post meeting - Steve incorrectly reported 1 visit). The visits will cover inspection and service e.g. adjustments, lubrication and reasonable cleaning work. (details added post meeting - Steve). It was noted that being on Maskold’s books was probably a good thing as perhaps they will advise us what to do when the current unit becomes redundant. There is currently no recognised squash court dehumidifier (external variety) manufacturer known (Note post meeting - web search conducted and none found - Steve). There was unanimous agreement to sign up for the contract. Action - Steve. (Note post meeting - Action item done, cheque made out for £246.75 and application sent to Maskold 11.10.05).


4.  AOB

(i)      Novice leagues (Maggie)

Maggie was concerned that matches in the new batch of ‘Novice’ leagues were not being played. There was general concern that perhaps the new players didn’t understand the rules or how to play a match. There was a proposal that experienced players could help the novices out by playing some games with them and showing the ropes. Antigoni, Maggie, Louise, Sandra, Laure, Emily, Jon, Mark and Steve volunteered for this scheme.

There was also a proposal that the Novices be contacted to see if they still wanted to play. Steve reported that 3 of the 13 had already expressed a wish not to play. Action Steve to email

(Note post meeting - Steve emailed the other 10 (23.09.05) to ask about staying in and explaining the volunteer playing system - and had positive responses from 5 Emma Harris, Wing Chaw, Zahra, Biju and Niki. Steve had therefore put 9 of  the 10 back in the Novice leagues for October 2005. Sonali De Silva had been put in League 7 as she had requested this previously.)


(ii)      Stickers Sales (Steve)

Steve proposed to write off the loss of revenue from sticker sales. The proposal was amended (Antigoni) to write off the debt by the end of financial year (December 2005) if  payment had not been received by then . This was agreed unanimously. (Note post meeting - full details of the discussion are held on hard-copy files - agreed  by committee 11.10.05).


There was an additional proposal to change the sticker selling system so that vendors paid before receiving their allotment. This proposal was discussed but not adopted, as it was thought it would be harder to administrate. And in view of the just two known problems to date it was agreed to stick to the current system.


(iii)     Floor cleaning (Mark)

          Mark proposed that there should be scheduled floor cleaning (i.e. soapy water and acetic rinse). The proposal was discussed and amended to say that - committee members should email around when they think the floor is slippery or dirty and then a working party convened. The process takes about an hour for one person, 45 minutes for two.


(iv)    Land provision discussions with Richard Garfield (Steve to continue)

          Steve is still pursuing this in order to pre-empt any loss of facilities from future proposed developments such as the ‘super hospital’. Action - Steve


(v)     Leak in roof Oct 2002 and subsequently on heavy downpours (Mark).

Action - Steve to schedule inspection. This matter has been outstanding for a while.


(vi)    Inside redecoration - There has been an outstanding action item to paint the court inside walls, plus trying to push the plaster board in above the ‘out of court’ line. Action - Steve to organise as this matter has also been outstanding for too long.


(vii)    What to do with the money in account ?

This is linked to provision for land (see iv) and possible redevelopment of Sutton Hospital land for the ‘super hospital’. We may need to relocate the court - e.g. pick it up and move it ! There was no overall plan of what to do with the money even considering we are a non-profit making section. We will need a new dehumidifier/air con unit in due course. The current unit is getting old bought 1998 (Note post meeting  -incorrectly reported in meeting by Steve as 2000).


(viii) Nick’s leaving present and card (not discussed fully at meeting)

(Note added post meeting  - Nick was presented with a present and a card from the squash committee in thanks for his efforts on the committee. The present was a Tide Clock and was presented by Steve and Sandra on his leaving night 05.08.05 - see photos below. The present was paid for by personal funds and not from club funds. Various committee members contributed).



  Nick Hearle (hat) and friends


Meeting closed 5.45pm


Minutes checked by club Secretary and Stand-in Secretary 10.10.05


Minutes approved by Ups Club Squash Section Management Committee 11.10.05



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